Our company has continued to operate for 350 years, responding flexibly to changes in the environment, from the manufacture and sale of indigo-ball, which was our business at the time of our founding, to the current business of selling chemicals.
In recent years, we have been working on decarbonization through our business in response to pressing issues such as carbon neutrality, and we continue to take on the challenge of providing optimal solutions to various issues through collaboration with our partners.
Last year, in 2024, we were able to celebrate the 350th anniversary of our founding. but as a transitional point, we will continue to strive to practice sustainability management in order to pass on our business to the next generation.
Miki Sangyo is promoting various initiatives to reduce the environmental load and contribute to the environmental conservation activities of its customers for the sake of the irreplaceable global environment.
Supporting customers’ environmental conservation activities
The chemical industry, which is closely related to all industrial fields such as consumer electronics, automobiles, clothing, and pharmaceuticals, should lead the way in protecting the global environment. As a company that plays a role in the chemical industry, we support the development of environmentally friendly products for our customers, such as proposing recycled resins, by making full use of our knowledge of chemicals and coordination capabilities that we have cultivated over many years. In addition, in the production process, we contribute to the reduction of environmental impact by procuring and providing raw materials that have less impact on the environment and by proposing technology.

Acquired ISO14001 certification
In March 2002, our company acquired ISO 14001 certification, the international standard for environmental management systems, and we are continuously working to reduce the environmental impact of our business activities.
(Certification scope: Head Office, Tokyo Sales Headquarters, Osaka and Nagoya Branches)
Environmental policy
Basic concept
Based on the idea that irreplaceable nature is entrusted to us from the future, we will actively work to preserve the global environment in accordance with our management philosophy of “discipline and order.”
Action Pointer
1. Environmentally friendly business activities
We will promote the planning, development, and sales of environmentally friendly products and services.
2. Environmental preservation and response to environmental protection
We value harmony with the environment, and strive to prevent pollution, conserve resources and energy, and engage in 3S activities (organization, tidiness, and cleaning).
3. Compliance with environmental laws and regulations
We will comply with environmental laws, regulations and other agreed requirements.
4. Continuous improvement of the environmental management system
We set environmental goals and strive to continuously improve our environmental management system.
5. Raise environmental awareness
We will implement education in line with our environmental policy and strive to improve environmental awareness.
6. Disclosure of Environmental Policy
We will actively disclose our environmental policy outside the company.
Enacted on June 27, 2001
Revised on July 1, 2017