From the founding of Enpo 2 to Reiwa era
Miki Sangyo has lived through 32 periods of era name.
The world has changed a lot in that time,
With the rapid progress of science and technology,
Our field, the chemical industry, has continued to grow.
And now, the world has reached a major turning point,
We are taking a step towards the realization of a sustainable society.
We, who have lived supplely through the ages,
have always thought about what we can do for the next generation and implemented it.
There is always a person’s thoughts that don’t change.
Observance of “discipline and order” and ties with diverse stakeholders
The wisdom of our predecessors cultivated there.
Miki has a future.
Our challenge continues.

Miki Sangyo’s 350-year history
The beginning of Miki Sangyo dates back to the early Edo period.
Bringing Awa Indigo to Japan

Dreams of Miki Sangyo
~Challenging the future and achieving further growth~
Taking on new challenges, Aiming to be a company that will last for 400 or 500 years

Because we know everything about the manufacturing site
We are able to propose solutions to problems in line with the actual situation.

“Flexibility” is essential for trading companies,
A challenge that has been repeated throughout our long history.

“Applicability” to resolve issues with customers
Combining manufacturers’ materials and technologies.